21 March 2020

Who sat on the bench?

Every bench has a story...


Who has sat on this bench today? Why did they need to sit down? Are they tired? Why?

Or do they need to sit and think? Why?

Or are they waiting for someone? Who? 

Or were they attracted…

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1 October 2019

A day at the mill for Year 4!

What a fantastic day at Quarry Bank Mill!

Would you like to loose your hearing? Would you like to work barefoot? Would you like to work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week? Would you like to have the opportunity to loose a limb, go bald, loose a finger or cough up cotton from your lungs every…

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25 September 2019

Year 4 visit Yarrow Valley

Today we walked to Yarrow Valley, it was a long walk we think it was over 4 miles long! We are all very tired now! It was muddy and damp but not cold! Mr Darbyshire brought us hot chocolate and biscuits, we had these at the play area. We were looking at were the coal mines and mills used to be. We…

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16 July 2019

Year 4 Hummus!

Today we had an amazing morning in Year 4. We made lots of yummy hummus! First, we tried different flavoured hummus with pitta bread. Then we tried the ingredients we could use: Garlic, Coriander, Chilli, Fruit and Lemon. We worked in groups to work out the ingredients we wanted in our hummus, we…

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5 June 2019

Year 4 Visit World Museum Liverpool

Year 4 had a fantastic day at the World Museum Liverpool yesterday! We spent some time exploring the Egyptian galleries and were fascinated by the artefacts there! The mummies were amazing to see and we enjoyed learning about why the Egyptians mummified their dead. After that, we had a fabulous…

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24 May 2019

Friday 24th May

Please see below for a copy of this week's newsletter:

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20 May 2019

Summer 2 Spellings Year 4



Please click on the link for Spellings for Summer 2.

Please read the notes on the sheet if children are struggling to learn so many words in one week!  :) 

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16 May 2019

Friday 10th May

Please see below for a copy of the newsletter


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5 April 2019

Spellings Summer 1 Year 4

Please find Summer 1 spellings below 

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11 January 2019

How clean are your teeth?

Year 4 had fun inspecting their teeth today. We are now looking forward to learning about digestion and creating our own toothpaste.

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20 December 2018

Signing Choir visit Integrate Preston for Christmas Carols!


Yesterday, Signing Choir went to Integrate Preston to sign Christmas songs for the deaf community there. It was great fun and it was great to see some of the adults there joining in with our signs. We were also able to see signing in action for other songs. It was great! Integrate Preston…

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