Collective Worship

Collective worship is our loving response, in word and action, to God’s invitation to enter into a loving relationship with God, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and witness of the Holy Spirit. At St Gregory’s, collective worship is an integral part of the school life. It gives children the opportunity to ‘Live the Faith’. We gather as a community to listen to the teachings of the Faith, pray and reflect on our own lives.

Collective Worship takes place daily at St. Gregory’s, whether this is as a whole school, as a key stage or as a class. All members of the school community gather for collective worship, showing reverence to the Word and reflecting upon its meaning. All children have the opportunity to plan worship, with the older children leading others in collective prayer.

Click here for Year 4's 'Tolerance' Collective Worship

As a school we foster children’s spiritual development encouraging them to be ‘Responsible, Resourceful, Reflective and to show Reciprocity’.  Worship at St. Gregory’s is more than just a legal requirement. It is an integral part of school life and central to the Catholic tradition.